Change the contents of your handbag in seconds and never leave items behind in your handbag again! With your Periea handbag organiser, simply swap it over to the handbag you are going to use for the day. Every item can be neatly stored in each compartment, keeping you organised and in control. Not only is your Periea handbag organiser stylish, you will always be able to find exactly what you’re looking for – No more rummaging around!
Our functional ‘Bertha’ handbag organiser is available in Black or Blue. It is fully machine washable.
It has 10 compartments and is ideal for larger handbags and tote bags – Please check the measurements before you buy.
It is ideal for A4 folders and small laptops. With a great design and made to a high standard, this handbag organiser is great value for money.
Approx. 35cm in Length x 25cm in Height and opens to between 5 and 25cm
You should allow around 1cm for your handbag organiser within your handbag for ease of access.
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